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PERFORMED & DEVISED BY Simone French & Tom Halls


The Salon is an immersive and interactive hair salon experience about self expression, self love and self care. Each experience is tailored to the individual!

Brush that shopping list, vacuum that shower, water the dog, iron the cat, paint the car – STRESS LEVEL 3000. Stoppppp!!! Take a moment to sit back, breathe out and treat yourself to something just for YOU. Appointments are filling up quickly at The Salon and no, those voices aren’t in your head. It’s us, serenading you as we style, in this Hairdressing experience with Pizzazz. Tell Julie, tell Steve, tell Barb, tell the whole extended family. Feel invigorated as your hair is transformed while we sing. Turn heads down the High Street as you say ‘Hi Everybody, I’m the new Jan Brady!’.  This is for everyone with or without hair, no judgment in this all inclusive sing-song salon! (PS: No scissors will be used…unless you want us to!)

2022: Cambridge Junction 
2017: Natimuk Frinj 

PRODUCER Simone French

STAGE MANAGER  Andrew Westle & Francis Heil

© TomYumSim

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